Are Fat Women Sluts?

December 15, 2010 at 9:46 pm (BBW, Casual Sex, Sex Study) (, , )

This year a study was done on obese women and sex that shocked a lot of people on the concept that only skinny women are hot and therefore have more sex, but the study proved otherwise. The University of Hawaii found that obese and overweight women had more frequent sex then ‘normal’ women.

The study had surveyed about 7000 women aged 16-44 about their sexual habits and women who had a higher BMI (body mass index) reportedly had more sex then women that fell in a normal BMI index. The people conducting the survey found the results to be surprising and unexpected. Tell that to a million dollar porn industry solely based on BBW‘s.

A current study that followed tried to explain the reason why larger women where having more sex then normal sized women by asking the larger women if they would rather have a large sum of money now or wait every  3 weeks to have the money split up. The larger women were three times more likely to want to the money right away concluding the fact that larger women act more on impulse then regular sized women. Somehow this conclusion was correlated with sex to say that larger or more obese women were more likely to say yes to sex right away thus proving the fact that fat women have more sex then any other size group. Bringing the two studies together show that larger women just lack control when it comes to a mans advances.

So does that mean fat women are sluts? No, because the study went on further so show that BMI was not associated with sexual orientation, age of first having intercourse or current male partners. But instead just pointed out that overweight women just have more sex then regular women with no huge variance in sexual behavior.

Thus the conclusion is that fat women have more sex because they just like too and its easier to say yes then no. Fat or not I m sure many women wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to have good sex unless of course they were given a lump sum of money right away.


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